Khazanah: Jurnal Studi Islam san Humaniora
Vol. XV ,No. 1, 2017 Ahkhmad Syabudin: Konsep Pendidikan Hati: 67-88
Akademi Maritim Nusantara (AMNUS) Banjarmasin
This Study belong to library study and is also an intellectual biography study. The nature of the study is qualitative which bigblight the contributions of thought in the field of Islamic Education . the Islamic education approach was applied inorder to identify the contribution of thinking to the character of Islamic education, especially on the material aspect. The data were obtained from Ahmad Fahmi Zamzams work; Empat Puluh Hadis Penawar Hati, Empat Puluh Hadis Akhlak Mulia, Empat Pluh Hadist Kelebihan Ilmu dan Ulama, Empat Puluh Hasid Peristiwa Akhir Zaman, as well as bis audio visual lectures of grand recitation related to the research. The data are grouped according to thr theme of Islamic education furtber in the analysis. Research findings; (1) Heart education is a conscious effort to cultive the potential of the beart to achieve perpection into a bealthy heart (qalbun salim) to justify our relationship to Allah swt and fellow human beings. (2) the importance of correcting changing and maintaining the beart is one of the foundations for the conduct of beart education.(3) the pupose of the beart education is directed to make the students bearts become good and right. (4) the approach the can be done in the education of the beart is to pay attention and keep the action off all the potential of the body from acts that can make the beart becomes dirty, by exploiting the potential of the body, the potential of eye, ear and the potential of lthifah ar-Rabbaniyyah. (5) The method of the beart education is grouped into two parts; first, The method of the beart education with cbaritable deeds, such as; prayer, zakat and alms, fasting, reciting Al-Quran, dbikr, seeking balai rizki. Baving social awarencess, amar marif and nabi munkar, and ittiba. Second, the method of the beart education with the spiritual charities, such as; repentance, khanf, zuhud, being patient, gratitude, sincerity, mababbab, and remembering death. (6) The curriculum of the beart education content give should be directed to meet the spiritual and emotional material needs. (7) Evalution of the beart education can only be measured by self-protégé children whose measure is the tranquaility withing the students themsehems and generate noble morality.
Setiap insan dianugerahi hati, salah satu organ tubuh manusia yang sangat penting. Kualitas hati manusia berbeda-beda. Ada hati yang cerdas da nada hati yang lemah. Hati yang cerdas adalah hati yang dipenuhi dengan iman atau hati yang di dalamnya tertanam iman yang kuat. Ibarat sebuah wadah, hati yang cerdas selalu penuh terisi oleh Allah. Itu sebabnya ingatannya selalu tertuju pada-Nya. Dia yakin bahwa tujuan hidupnya adalah Allah, bukan dunia ini. Hati yang lemah adalah hati yang kosong dari Allah. Hati yang mengejar kesenangan dunia dan melupakan Allah. Dibawah ini struktur manusia menurut Kamrani Buseri1.
Fisik Akal; Rasio
Manusia Jiwa Hati; Rasa/ Zang
Ruh Nafsu; Dorongan
Imajinasi: Khayalan
Intuisi; Suara hati terdalam
Bila hati bersemayam di atas kebenaran, maka seluruh anggota badan dengan tetap berada di jalan kebenaran dan kebaikan. Bila hati taat kepada Allah, maka seluruh raga manusia akan taat kepada-Nya. Melakukan perbaikan, penyegaran dan pemeliharaan hati secara intensif harus segera dilakukan, adapun melakukan reformasi dan menjaga kesucian hati merupakan keharusan bagia setiap Muslim. Hal ini dikarenakan hati adalah proses kehidupan prilaku seseorang. Dalam sebuah Hadist disebutkan:
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